Art and people
Slough Borough Council
Art & People is a guide to setting up and running arts projects in the community and includes advice on planning, fundraising, project management, publicity and evaluation. The pack was first published in 1997 and after selling out was redesigned in a second edition which was published in 2003. Some of the information in the second edition is now out of date and with the progression of technology and trends in community arts, some additional sections need to be added. As plans are in discussion for an extensive roll out of CATS, the Community Arts Training Scheme, which the course supports, Art & People needs to be up to date and accurate.
• To provide artists and community groups with advice on how to manage arts projects.
• To support groups running arts projects in Slough. Target audience Artists, teachers, community groups
• To support groups running arts projects in Slough. Target audience Artists, teachers, community groups
and individuals, other arts officers.
• Working through visually from the idea of the interaction of people and artforms, a number of alternative
ideas were considered.
• The final idea looked to broad bold brushstrokes, and handmade marks to illustrate the interaction with the
• The final idea looked to broad bold brushstrokes, and handmade marks to illustrate the interaction with the
print, and to encourage people to use it as a workbook, and celebrate it as piece of print.
• Each section in the publication took a different colour scheme from the SBC Branding guidelines and
• Each section in the publication took a different colour scheme from the SBC Branding guidelines and
matched the wealth of photography that the Arts Development team have from the variety of projects. The
abstract paint stroke shapes were used to frame the photography and tie in the theme.
"With Art & People we wanted to create something that would fit with our existing print material and Sprout Designs were able to meet our needs, providing a way for us to share a huge amount of information in a clear, accessible and friendly way and at the same time promote the vibrant arts community in Slough through strong images. It was important that the publication spoke to a variety of audiences and Sprout Designs were able to understand and interpret our ideas to achieve this. We’re a team of perfectionists and Sprout Designs showed a huge amount of patience and flexibility as we worked through ideas to get a publication we are very happy with."